Gaming Translations

Gaming Translation Services

Professional Gaming Industry Translation Service

Gaming has become a huge industry, and its demand is expanding globally. If a gaming company develops its games in several languages, using translation and localization methods, huge profits can be made.

Aslan Translation Services has a pool of translators who are highly experienced in the field of gaming translation, and they will ensure all translations are specific for each target market. Our company also has profound knowledge of the regulations which affect the industry differently in each country. We can also adapt content for games on multiple platforms.

Translating for Gaming is a continuous undertaking which requires constant updating and monitoring. Our team of professionals will take care of all your needs. We guarantee quality, efficiency, accuracy, and dedication.

Professional Videogame Translation

The videogame industry is one of the sectors with the highest income in the digital industry and one of the sectors with the highest projected growth for the next few years, both at the national and international levels. However, it is also a sector with a high degree of competition due to the number of companies in the industry, the number of games that are launched every year and, as is the case with software, the degree of globalization of the sector.

For these reasons, companies in the industry seek to offer the best user experience, and one of the keys to achieving this is the localization of videogames with the help of professional and native translators.

Moreover, it’s very important to note that videogames seek to generate emotions in users; therefore, the translator should be able to transmit this emotional aspect through the translation, by knowing perfectly well the culture and society of the target audience.

It is very important to note out that video games are part of the audiovisual world, and when localizing a video game, on many occasions it’s also necessary to carry out the following activities:

Videogame translation and




Professional Software Translation

The digital transformation we’re all immersed in has led to the constant growth and evolution of the software development sector. Moreover, the digitization of society has eliminated geographical boundaries and created the need for software localization.

When a company does their research to try to find software or an application that meets the needs of its management or production processes, a fundamental factor is language, since in most cases the software must be used by teams in various areas, and it’s very important to remember that its use is meant to increase productivity and minimize the likelihood of errors.

Software localization requires high levels of specialization from translators in several aspects:

* Sector and area: In most cases, software and applications meet very specific needs within a sector (public administration, automotive industry, pharmaceutical, etc.) and an area (human resources, marketing, sales, production, etc.), therefore, for software translations it’s very important to have professional translators who are experts in both the sector and the area at which the software is aimed.

* Cultural: Software localization must consider the specific language rules and cultural aspects of the target language to facilitate the use of the software. To do this, it’s necessary to have the translation done by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language.

* Context: One of the challenges translators faces when localizing software is the lack of context. In other words, in many cases the translator must translate a single very short word or phrase that may be ambiguous and depend on the context. To do this, it’s important for translators to have experience in this type of translations, and be skilled in the use of software, manuals, technical knowledge, etc. that may help them contextualize the different functionalities. When we talk about the localization of software, we’re referencing the translation of all those elements that are essential to its commercialization and use.

This means that it’s necessary to translate:

User interfaces


User manuals

Installation guides

Technical documents

Videos and tutorials

Commercial and marketing information