Interpretation Services

Video Remote Interpretations

Video Remote Interpretation

Using our secure and encrypted network, Aslan Language Services quickly connects you to a qualified interpreter from the convenience of your tablet, smartphone, or computer. With the simple switch you can choose between video or voice call options. Whether it’s for a medical emergency, a court proceeding or a business conference, Aslan Language Services provides a clear, high-quality connection that will make you feel as if the interpreter is right there with you. While maintaining the flexibility of phone interpreting, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) gains many of the advantages of face-to-face interactions. VRI provides a solution that includes visual and auditory interpretation.  

Build Trust Immediately with Video Remote Interpretation

Imagine a patient waking up in a hospital where he / she does not speak the same language as your caregivers. Then get a professional linguist who looks you in the eye and speaks your language through video conferencing. Through this interpreter, your doctors and nurses are suddenly able to understand not just what you say, but what you mean.
With Aslan Language Services get the benefit of visual cues and facial expressions to build trust, reduce misunderstandings, and improve customer or patient experience in the moment of need. In seconds, connect your team to our professionals to ensure accurate, meaning-for-meaning interpreting in 163 top languages.

What Is Video Remote Interpretation?

Remote virtual interpreting, also known as video remote interpreting (VRI), is a type of interpreting that uses special software to deliver the interpreting service. Participants of an international business meeting, conference, or any other event in which remote interpreting is used communicate with the interpreter or interpreters with internet-connected devices, such as a phone, a computer, or a tablet.

The Benefits of Video Remote Interpreting

There are plenty of benefits when it comes to VRI. The most obvious one is that it makes communication easier – however, that can be said about any time of interpretation or translation.
With VRI, an interpreter can be available even the same day, depending on their work schedule, as there’s no need for getting from one location to another. They can provide their services to your company from their office, or even the comfort of their own home. This not only makes it easier for the interpreter, as they save time but also for you and your company, as you don’t need to worry about providing things like accommodation or specific technology that is required for on-site interpreting.
What’s more, because everything is done through the internet, you can hire professional high-quality interpreters, with years of experience without worrying about where they are based, as the only thing they will need to provide you with their service is internet access and a piece of technology, such as a laptop and microphone for quality audio.